Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The True Populations & Culture Of The Indo And Eastern Caribbean Nations!!!

The Eastern Caribbean nations and the Indo Caribbean nations have been going through alot of false claims on their populations. Its like people who work for these websites like "Wikipedia" and other miseducating "Websites" have been making the Caribbean nations look like less of a people.Trinidad and Tobago has way more then 5 million Afro Trinidadian & Tobagoan people and 40% of the total population are "Dougla" a mixed ethnicity between Afro and East Indian and Guyana is another nation that is being made into a land of small population when it has one of the highest populations from all Caribbean nations.Guyana is 50% "Dougla" and also has way more then 5 million Afro-Guyanese with the population and the rest of these countries populations are pure East Indian.The East Indians in other studies make up to 50% of these two nations populations (Trinidad & Tobago & Guyana).The Eastern Caribbean nations of course have been going through alot of "Envy-Marketing".Remember when Akon the Senegalese singer came to Guyana and sold out over 5 million tickets and 99% of those people were Afro Guyanese as the nation of Guyana aproves this.The reason why when you talk about the Caribbean all you can talk about is the African people because thats whats mostly present.The Guyanese government says their nation is way over 80% percent Afro and 10% to 20% or in other studies 40% East Indian.Remember all the Eastern Caribbean nations have way over 1 million Afro people that make up the majority of the populations and the Indo Caribbean nations remember the more land the more plantations took place and the more plantations then the more slavery took place.The Guyanese and Trinidad & Tobagoans carry East Indian traditions and African traditions. Its interesting because the East Indians carry African traditions and the Africans carry East Indian traditions.They have fun learning from eachothers culture and remember out of a certain amount of people their is going to be a certain amount of people of the home land of the people.No census was ever runned correctly in Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana due to the types of neighborhoods and indigenous communities.So it must have been hard for the U.S. government to have a correct population but the percentages are correct if they are high in African people and East Indian people but government officials from Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana would say that the populations of Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana are higher in pure Africans like in other Caribbean nations.

Eastern Caribbean islands: Each have way over 1 million pure Afro people that make up the majority.

Indo Caribbean nations: Each have way over 5 million pure Afro people that make up the majority.

(Any studies conducted with a lesser population then these are false and any studies conducted with a higher population is factual.)



Port of Spain,Trinidad & Tobago carnival.
Also in Martinique like in Trinidad & Tobago all the light skin people are tourists and the Africans are pure ethnicity from this nation.The culture of Martinique will last for ever because of its population like all the other Eastern Caribbean nations has over 1 million inhabitents.Its beauty their is nothing like it.
Here is Kingstown,St. Vincent & Grenadines and this is another nation with more then 1 Million people to be accurate.Its dark skinned beauty is very present.The reason why the Eastern Caribbean nations have similar populations is because they all are in similar sizes so they had a similar amount of "Slavery Plantations" so the similar amount of people are there.
More of the Trinidad & Tobago people at a carnival .The european people are just tourists .The Afro people are proof that Trinidad & Tobago is way over 85% Afro Trinidad & Tobagoan.

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