Thursday, April 21, 2011





Puerto Rico:

West Indian population: 6,100,000 (61% of 10 million worldwide),2,420,045.68 (61% of 3,967,288 on the island)

Black population: 2,640,000 (26.4% of 10 million worldwide),1,047,364.03 (26.4% of 3,967,288 on the island)

European population: 1,200,000 (12% of 10 million worldwide),476,074.56 (12% of 3,967,288 on the island)

(But Since the Minority Rights Group states that 65% of the Puerto Rican population is pure black most Puerto Ricans that are of black descent because of the extremely darker skin tones and the Afro hair and the ancestry of only african. The percentage makes up to over 6,500,000 Afro Puerto Ricans worldwide and i guess the rest of the 10 million is a Mulatto population.This percentage is on the island it self too and there is way more West Indian and Afro Puerto Ricans that live abroad so the percentages are actually higher but now the afro percentage can reach to 78.4% because of the rise of 52% on the island together with 26.4% and the West Indian percentage can reach to 90% which is the majority which means this island has a "Trinidad & Tobago" touch to it when it comes to its West Indian people exept for the immigration part.but the difference is that Puerto Ricans are hardly present in the metro part of the island they are mostly in the core of the island now all you see is South Americans and tourists who cant be classified as natives in the metro part of the island.It has higher populations then all the other Caribbean islands that are similar to the islands size.Puerto Rico has one of the highest West Indian populations in the globe.The reason why there is alot of percentages is because there is a large mixture of people and the different studies.(These results are the most correct)

(And some of these Puerto Ricans from the worldwide population tend to be in and out of Puerto Rico so the "on the island" population grows every now and then.)

To read about the population increase of Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico go to

Dominican Republic:

Mulatto population: 7,365,810.23 (73% of 10,090,151 on the island)

Black population: 2,018,030.2 (20% of 10,090,151 on the island)

European population: 1,614,424.16 (16% of 10,090,151 on the island)

(But since the U.N. figures that The Dominican Republic is 90% black because of the ancestry of only African in the blacks and the afro hair in the mulattos so a bigger percentage makes up of blacks in the Dominican Republic then other ethnic groups.The afro percentage makes up to over 9,081,135.9 of a population worldwide.Most Dominicans dont live abroad because of the low cost of living on their island and because of the "big process" to get to America.You can "buy a palace" in the Dominican Republic for a very low cost and still have alot of money left if you have a good career in america but the corruption on that part of the hispaniola is with the government officials so its not the place to be right now.As Dominican business is booming more criminals come from Mexico to invade no one knows why. The Dominican people want them out some say there is large illegal street activity taking place and taking advantage of the pour Dominican people.Some Dominican people are like the Afro Puerto Ricans but each caribbean island is unique in its own way but because of some immigration to the Dominican Republic and same thing with Jamaica it has some Afro Puerto Rican ancestry because of love birds falling in love from one island to another.But Dominicans are Haitian and thats whats mostly present in the Dominican Republic.(These results are the most correct)


Mulatto population: 5,714,131.8 (51% of 11,204,180 on the island)

Black population: 2,240,836 (20% of 11,204,180 on the island)

European population: 4,145,546.6 (37% of 11,204,180 on the island)

(But since the Minority Rights Group figures that there is over 3 million Afro Cubans worldwide and 70% of the over 11 million Cubans are black because of the extremely black skin and course/afro hair and the ancestry of only pure African. The percentage can also add up to 70% black and the West Indian population is what completes the 11,204,180 of the population.Like the other Latino/Caribbean (Dominican Republic,Puerto Rico) countries Cuba's afro people have no european ancestry.Because of the Caribbean culture being so present there and some of the Cuban people have no resources to live off of in Cuba so they try to escape the poverty life as hard as they can .The Cuban people have one of the saddest inspirational/powerful stories ever.(These results are the most correct)

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