Monday, April 4, 2011

Some knowledge on Dominican Republic

From the lenchings of Dominicans to the corruption in hospitals to the grim attacks of Dominican hoodlums the Dominican Republic is on code red when it comes to crime..Just not so long ago a mans neck was severed in half by a machete attack that was gang related...these type of gory situations should not be happening but are happening on the beautiful part of the island of the Hispaniola. The crime is at an all time high because of the neglect of the government and because of the government workers not caring for the pour people of The Dominican Republic this shall change one day...and the people of The Dominican Republic shall be saved and one day cared for...The larger the land of country the bigger the impacts of situation happen on the countries...and of course especially on pour lands like the Hispaniola...Today the ethnic groups of The Dominican Republic are stated at 73% Mulatto,16%  European,11% Black.

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