Sunday, April 3, 2011

Some knowledge on Cuba

 Cuba is the biggest island nation in the Caribbean with one of the most amount of tri-racial people of the Caribbean. The indians of Cuba are similar to the Arawaka people of Haiti most who left Haiti to the major antillian island of Cuba...Even though the Arawaka Haitians are still mostly present the Cubans win with alot more West Indians on there land mostly running away from the Hatian goverment.  West Indian slayings that occured back in the day..I dont know but that Hatian government has some bizaar rules and evil followings..It should be better for the Hatians especially more sane and safe...But thats the past all Hatians of all colors get along now...but back to Cuba where alot of corruption is taking place in the Mental Rehabilitation hospitals they mistreat the pour Cubans who mean no harm and then you have then poverty similar to Haiti's poverty its sad..Thats why most Cubans are for libertad...Today Cuba's ethnic groups are stated at 51% Mulatto,30% European,20% Black,1% Asian.

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