Monday, April 4, 2011

Some knowledge on Saint Kitts & Nevis

The first inhabitants of St. Kitts & Nevis where the Caribs with the skin of a black man but with the face and hair of an indian alot of these sort of people came to the island of Puerto Rico and The Dominican Republic and Cuba and other islands..and Saint Kitts & Nevis is the island nation with less of a population and is the smallest nation with the biggest people on it like alot of the lesser antillian islands..and even though some say there is not alot of crime on the lesser antillian islands just not so long ago a dead body of a women was found near an industrial site area..and a bus driver gets 20 years for rape..I hope the people of St. Kitts and Nevis dont deside to get into crime and keep on putting the pour people of St.Kitts and Nevis through all this stress...The West Indian name for Saint Kitts is "Liamuiga" and the West Indian name for Nevis is "Oualie"...Today Saint Kitts and Nevis's ethnic groups are stated at 90.4% Black,5% Mulatto,3% Indo-Pakistani,1% Britsh,Portuguese and Lebanese.

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